lørdag den 15. september 2007

Learn How to Bluff In Online Poker like a pro

Like you may already know, playing poker is not just to know the rules and hope for the best. The best poker players win because they know when to strike and who to steal money from, (by stealing I mean make the guy think he has the upper hand).

There are different strategies to use a bluff, you can do a bluff if you have a good hand, but only calling looking like you have a bad hand but are interested in seeing what he has, trying to make your opponent bet big. Or you can have a bad hand, bluffing all the way hope to steal the pot by betting, quite aggressive, but fun to see people loose and get angry.

What the great Pro poker player does.A good poker player is careful with his/her selection of victim to bluff. Never try to bluff the big shots, those how bet aggressively, they may call your bluff when you don’t want them to.

It’s a good thing to wait till you are at the last place of the dealer place before bluffing in poker.
One rule of thumb is to confuse people, never let anybody at a poker table label you as an aggressive play or a bluff or anything else, try to be an all-around player.

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torsdag den 13. september 2007

Online Poker How to read your opponent like an open book

The problem with online poker compared to real life poker is that you need another way to read people, you don't have the opputuinty to read body launguage or face expressions at a poker table.But whats then the secret to reading people on the computer screen in an online poker room.

Here is some of the things to think about.
in general players who take longer to respond are in possession of a weak hand. Don't ever stall if you intend to take a weak hand further.
But you can also use it against you opponent if you have a good hand and wants your poker opponent to think otherwise.

The risk taker, a guy who relays on luck for a while, he will raise bets very high, he might loose but has a change to win by scaring others. When he wins a lot he will slow down again.

Then we have a guy almost like the risk taker who also raises, but never slows down, he is probblery angry at someone for something, and will take him self down at some point.

The dependable guy, folds a lot, calls rarely but sometimes raises, and when he does, never call him, he takes no risks, and has a good hand.

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Poker Hands Ranking Order

Okay this post will be a reference post, not too much talking, I will just write down for you to see what order poker hands has, what beats what.

Single cards ranks like this. Ace the highest card, followed by the King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine, Eight and so on down to the Two, known as a Deuce.
Now poker card hands rankings is like this.

1. Royal Flush. Consist of Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten of the same suit.
2. Straight Flush. five consecutive cards of the same suit.
3. Four of a Kind. Four cards of the same rank
4. Full House. Three cards of the same rank
5. Flush. Five cards of the same suit
6. Straight. Five sequential cards of different suits. For example, 98765.
7. Three of a Kind. Three cards of the same rank, like AAA
8. Two Pair. Two cards of one rank, two cards of another rank and a kicker of a third rank. For example. QQJJ9.
9. One Pair. Two cards of the same rank, and three unrelated cards.
10. Single Card. (that I wrote about above with Ace as the highest).

Keep in mind how many opponents you are up against, if you play with a lot of players, chances are, one of them does have a good hand (very high). But if you are playing against only one opponent one high card may be enough to win.

Guide To Winning Online Texas Holdem Poker.

Learn The Basics of a Texas Hold’em Poker Round

Before you go out to win the big bucks playing online poker, atleast you need some basic knowledge of what poker is all about.

What you will learn here is the basic rules of a Texas hold'em round of poker, so you will be able to play some online poker in the near future.

In Texas hold'em poker we have 5 cards, 2 we get on our hand for only us to see, then 5 cards on the table facing down.

Now with only the knowledge of our two cards we can see if we want to bet hold or fold or even raise. But two cards is not much.

So the first 3 cards on the table gets turned, now we can combine the two on our hand with those on the table, figure out if we have some good poker cards, maybe even better then our opponents.

Then if we want to see the next card we bet again, then one card is turned, try to combine the best 5 card hand.

Then the last card is turned, we will bet, raise and what ever to see if our opponents has better cards then us.

If you don't already have a poker account i would recommend pokerroom they have some nice offers, and a nice interface.