torsdag den 13. september 2007

Poker Hands Ranking Order

Okay this post will be a reference post, not too much talking, I will just write down for you to see what order poker hands has, what beats what.

Single cards ranks like this. Ace the highest card, followed by the King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine, Eight and so on down to the Two, known as a Deuce.
Now poker card hands rankings is like this.

1. Royal Flush. Consist of Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten of the same suit.
2. Straight Flush. five consecutive cards of the same suit.
3. Four of a Kind. Four cards of the same rank
4. Full House. Three cards of the same rank
5. Flush. Five cards of the same suit
6. Straight. Five sequential cards of different suits. For example, 98765.
7. Three of a Kind. Three cards of the same rank, like AAA
8. Two Pair. Two cards of one rank, two cards of another rank and a kicker of a third rank. For example. QQJJ9.
9. One Pair. Two cards of the same rank, and three unrelated cards.
10. Single Card. (that I wrote about above with Ace as the highest).

Keep in mind how many opponents you are up against, if you play with a lot of players, chances are, one of them does have a good hand (very high). But if you are playing against only one opponent one high card may be enough to win.

Guide To Winning Online Texas Holdem Poker.

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