torsdag den 13. september 2007

Learn The Basics of a Texas Hold’em Poker Round

Before you go out to win the big bucks playing online poker, atleast you need some basic knowledge of what poker is all about.

What you will learn here is the basic rules of a Texas hold'em round of poker, so you will be able to play some online poker in the near future.

In Texas hold'em poker we have 5 cards, 2 we get on our hand for only us to see, then 5 cards on the table facing down.

Now with only the knowledge of our two cards we can see if we want to bet hold or fold or even raise. But two cards is not much.

So the first 3 cards on the table gets turned, now we can combine the two on our hand with those on the table, figure out if we have some good poker cards, maybe even better then our opponents.

Then if we want to see the next card we bet again, then one card is turned, try to combine the best 5 card hand.

Then the last card is turned, we will bet, raise and what ever to see if our opponents has better cards then us.

If you don't already have a poker account i would recommend pokerroom they have some nice offers, and a nice interface.

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